Many of the data that are available are flawed by confounding fro

Many of the data that are available are flawed by confounding from significant changes in serum PTH,

which in itself has been implicated in the pathogenesis of CKD cardiovascular disease, and has been performed in the ESKD population, when arguably more benefit could be derived from treatment in earlier stages of CKD. Many questions remain unanswered, including the CKD stages in which intervention is beneficial, which form of vitamin D should be administered and what treatment targets should be recommended to achieve maximal pleiotropic efficacy. The authors would like to thank Mr Andrew Hiscox for the design and production of all illustrations. WP has received scholarships from the University of Queensland, the Centre for Clinical Research Excellence Luminespib manufacturer – Cardiovascular Disease and Metabolic FDA-approved Drug Library supplier Disorders at University of Queensland, and the Department

of Nephrology, Princess Alexandra Hospital. WP has also received peer-reviewed research funding from Roche Pharmaceuticals Pty. DJ Is the recipient of a Queensland Government Health Research Fellowship. “
“We report the successful management of BK virus nephropathy (BKVN) using therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of mycophenolic acid (MPA). A 40-year-old woman was admitted for a protocol biopsy 3 months following primary kidney transplantation. Histological features were distributed in mainly two sections: the corticomedullary junction and cortical area. In the former, massive interstitial mononuclear cell infiltration and mild to moderate tubulitis with nuclear inclusion bodies were found. SV40 staining was positive in the injured tubules. These findings were compatible with BKVN. In the latter, focal interstitial inflammation and severe tubulitis without cytopathic changes were identified outside of SV40-positive areas. Based on the histological findings, O-methylated flavonoid we diagnosed BKVN and we also suspected of the complication with acute T-cell-mediated

rejection. We started steroid pulse therapy and reduced the dosage of immunosuppressive therapy under careful monitoring, using not only a trough level of tacrolimus but also a 12-h area under the curve (AUC0–12) of MPA. After the treatment, the patient maintained kidney function. This case report demonstrates the usefulness of MPA AUC0–12 for more accurate adjustment of immunosuppressive therapy and the difficulty of pathological differentiation of BKVN and acute cellular rejection. Since the establishment of immunosuppressive therapy, the survival of kidney allografts has improved dramatically; however, the risk of viral infection has increased. BK virus infection is the most common infection after kidney transplantation. Approximately 30–50% of recipients demonstrate viruria by cytology or polymerase chain reaction in the first 3 months, 10–15% progress to viraemia, and BK virus nephropathy (BKVN) develops in 1–10%, leading to graft loss in ∼20%.

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